Healthy employees: Convincing concepts
Supplementary company health insurance (bKV): Now up to €50 per month tax- and social security-free as benefit in kind
Qualified employees are a competitive advantage in times of an increasing shortage of skilled workers. In order to find and retain them, the additional benefits offered by an employer are of growing importance along with salary. In this context, employee health is progressively becoming a decisive factor.
Social, sustainable and value-adding
Invest in the future of your company. Promote the health of your employees and motivate them in the long term. The occupational supplementary health insurance with its additional benefits to statutory health insurance is an ideal way to position yourself optimally as an employer. You show your employees appreciation, reduce staff turnover, and counteract absences due to illness at an early stage. Simple, fast, and without a health check.
How does the occupational supplementary health insurance work?
With occupational supplementary health insurance, you as the employer finance supplementary health insurance for all employees or certain groups, which specifically minimizes gaps in benefits in statutory health insurance. Your employees benefit from attractive benefits and insurance coverage without a health check. The benefits are then handled directly between the employee and the insurer.
Something for everyone
In addition to traditional supplementary health insurance plans, such as “2-bedroom, head doctor coverage,” there are also modern budget plans. In these, the employer selects an annual health budget that employees can decide how to spend individually, for example on dentures, glasses, non-medical practitioners, etc. This means that there is something suitable for every employee.
Highlight: Increase in the exemption limit for non-cash benefits from €44 per month to €50 per month as of January 1, 2022.
As part of the Annual Tax Act 2020, the non-monetary remuneration exemption limit was adjusted from €44 per month to €50 per month as of 01.01.2022. In concrete terms, this means that under certain conditions companies can grant their employees an occupational supplementary health insurance of up to €50 per month free of tax and social security contributions. By the way: attractive budget tariffs are already available for less than €10 per month per employee.
And if the exemption limit for benefits in kind has already been exhausted in your company, other attractive taxation options are available, such as lump-sum taxation in accordance with Section 37b of the German Income Tax Act (EStG) or lump-sum taxation in accordance with Section 40 (1) Sentence 1 No. 1 of the German Income Tax Act (EStG).
Your advantages at a glance
- Greatest possible flexibility thanks to freely selected benefit components (such as professional dental cleaning, preventive checkups)
- Greater attractiveness as an employer
- No health examination required for as few as 5 employees
- Demonstrated appreciation for your employees
- Lower staff turnover due to higher employee satisfaction
- Improved health, as you actively prevent illnesses and absences due to illness at an early stage
- Free of tax and social security contributions: the clever alternative to a salary increase.
Our offer to you
- Together with you, we determine the most suitable occupational supplementary health insurance tariffs for your company. With a focus on optimal value for money, fluid processes and extended offerings such as services and apps.
- Do you already have a occupational benefits scheme? We can help you integrate occupational supplementary health insurance seamlessly and precisely into your existing benefits scheme.
If you have any questions, please contact us, we look forward to hearing from you.